Donation from Grandma Betty

By Richard Ravin
Fall 2020 Newsletter

[We got a sewing machine with a lovely personal message written on the box it came in. Here’s the note we got when we asked the donor about Grandma Betty.]

Dear Pedals For Progress and Sewing Peace:

Thank you for accepting the donation of the Singer sewing machine. The donation is made in the loving memory of my Grandma Betty Ravin, who used the machine to make and mend things for her family. Nothing gave my grandmother more pleasure than doing things for her grandchildren and other relatives, such as sewing, but most of all, cooking and baking, especially on the high holidays (oh, how I miss her gefilte fish!).

I have held on to the sewing machine for 25 years, during which time it got very little use. I am very happy that it will find a new home. Grandma Betty would have been very pleased to know that her sewing machine will be getting a second life that will help enable those in need to help support themselves and their family through use of her donated Singer Stylist 543, and thus perpetuating her credo – love of family.

Thank you for your charitable work that means so much to so many people in need around the world, and congratulations on redistributing more than 5,000 sewing machines and nearly 160,000 bicycles to date!

Richard Ravin
September 23, 2020