Letter from Dolinta Mihaela, Moldova

Fall 2010 InGear

Dear Pedals for Progress,


The Milesian philosopher Thales said that one of the very difficult things for men was “to know oneself.” But I also think it’s one of the most rewarding. We discover new sides of our personalities trying new things and learning new skills. These experiences help us look forward to new goals. That’s why it’s so important to try every opportunity to know yourself. At Consult-Nord’s sewing center I’ve had the opportunity to improve my sewing skills—and I found the experience beautiful. I always wanted to be a designer and create my own clothes and I’ve been able to make my dream come true. I didn’t need to become an expert to create clothing, I only needed the desire and inspiration of knowing how splendid it is to wear clothes you’ve made by yourself. But I also think the sewing center is more than simply a place to pursue an interest. It’s helping to meet a real need we have nowadays. Not everyone has the chance to buy a sewing machine in order to make or repair garments, so in this case the center provides a practical solution.

These sewing classes helped me a lot in improving my skills and now I’m sewing my own garments. That’s amazing, isn’t it? I feel myself very lucky because I learned to sew and I am thankful to all those people who implemented this project. Thanks a lot for helping people to realize their dreams!

Dolinta Mihaela, 12th grade student